Ministro Coordenador dos Assuntos Económicos (MCAE), fó tulun Primeiru-Ministru iha koordenasaun
no supervizaun membru governu sira ne’ebé responsavel ba ezekusaun polítika sira iha área governasaun ho karakter ekonómiku.

Shadow Image

The 8th Constitutional Government remains determined, making every effort and with political will, to accede soon to the World Trade Organization (WTO). To achieve this political commitment, the Interministerial Committee, led by the Minister for the Coordination of Economic Affairs (MCAE), Mr Joaquim Amaral, current Chief Negotiator for Timor-Leste's accession to the WTO, held today, in the Novo Turismo Hotel, a second meeting with the members of the Interministerial Committee, to update | Detallu

  • Visaun

    The 8th Constitutional Government remains determined, making every effort and with political will, to accede soon to the World Trade Organization (WTO). To achieve this political commitment, the In

  • Misaun

    The 8th Constitutional Government remains determined, making every effort and with political will, to accede soon to the World Trade Organization (WTO). To achieve this political commitment, the In

Vise-PM no MCAE Parsitipa iha Aprezentasaun Orsamentu Ratifikativu iha PN

3 de Julho de 2024

S. E. Vise- Primeiru Ministru (PM), no Ministru Koordenador ba Asuntu Ekonómiku (MCAE), Sr. Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, hamutuk ho Membru IX Gov

Enkontru Ekipa ba Preparasaun Eventu Konferensia Internasional

24 de Agosto de 2023

Enkontru Ekipa tekniku husi Gabinete Vise-Primeiru Ministru (PM), no Gabinete Ministru Koordenador ba Asuntu Ekonómiku (MCAE), Ministeriu Tu


Instituisaun sira ne'ebe mak Tutela iha MCAE bele hare iha nia link portal iha ne'e

  • Hau kuaze entuziazmu tebes kona-ba hahu loke hau nia kantina ho koñesementu negósiu adisionál ne’ebé hau hetan durante treinamentu no akonselamentu. Hau mos vizita bebeik IADE hodi aprende liu tan kona-ba negósiu no mantein rede nakloke ho empreza sira seluk

  • Centro Nacional De Formação Profissional – Becora sei sai Formador ba formasaun ida ne’ebé forte, sustentavel edukativu no responsive hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu sosiu ekonomiku iha Timor-Leste